Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wedded Bliss

So last weekend my dear friend and former roommate got married. Her parents have an amazing ranch in Auburn {which her mom has single handedly turned into an amazing family retreat} The ranch has a huge barn, a small lake, 2 ponds, a garden house and a mandarin orchard. I wish I would have remembered to take some pictures before it got dark {bummer}. But none the less here are a couple shots from the evening.

Justin,Lindsay, Me& Brad

A shot of the food tent all decorated with lights {she had a little bluegrass band playing up there - it was really fun!}


The Powells said...

how beautiful! ali, i love your dress you beauty! i miss you. when are you coming back to visit??

Ashley Dunaway said...

Lindsay looks beautiful what an amazing place for a wedding!

Pat said...

Ali, you look darling as you always do! It looks like it was a beautiful location.