Friday, September 26, 2008

Wait... What?

I'm so sad. For some reason the condos in front of our house cut down all of there trees today. Like 20 of them... trust me California... this world...needs all of the trees we can get.

That green truck has spent the day cutting and hauling them off. The tall trees are now gone too. I wonder why they did that.


Anonymous said...

This is really sad. Not only did the trees provide shade, they were a nice addition to the street. Hopefully they will plant new trees in their place.

The Powells said...

that is sad...what are they up to!

Pat said...

Did they cut the trees to the ground or just cut down part way? Perhaps one of the reasons that they did cut them down was because eucalytpus trees are such a fire hazard in California (or anywhere). They are listed in a brochure the fire department pased out called "Don't plant a pest." They go up like a torch. ( In our southern California neighborhood the fire department has asked us not to plant them because of the fire hazard. It's too bad because I love the smell of the trees. I'm with your mom, hopefully they will plant something more beautiful for you to enjoy s well as fast growing! We need all the trees we can get.

Anonymous said...

I so understand!!!We lost about 6 of our beautiful trees during the cincinnati hurricane. It broke my heart. The house and garage was all okay, but watching 70ft pine trees snap in half about killed me. The big trees on our property is what makes it so special. But we survived and spent a week cleaning up and it will be another 4 weeks before we get part of our privacy fence put back up, but that is all minor compaired to the Texas coast and still parts of Louisiana.Love ya Tina