Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lovin Matt

** Disclaimer. This is about politics, I'm sure some of you will not agree but I feel compelled to share. Please disregard if you choose.
I know that most of you are very aware that Dusty and I are very committed to Mr. Obama and his candidacy for the President. After watching the news last night Dusty and I were at a loss for words regarding Mrs. Palin and her supporters.
How on earth could people not see what we are seeing? Well Matt Damon shared his opinion regarding McCains pick for V.P.. Normally I could care less what "celebrities" think about politics but I really think he brought up some very important questions. Please watch his interview from the link below.


Anonymous said...

Hollywood should not be able to voice their opinions. I have always been a staunch conservative republican from the beginning of my voting years, but I did for the first time ever cross over to the other side, for Hilary, but that is where everybody screwed up. So therefore I would rather see Palin in the office over Obama any day. My opinion only.... Love the Taylor picks what a dollbaby. Tina

Pat said...

I am happy to put my name out there and tell you how completely I agree with you and Dusty. I think that everyone should be able to voice their opinions whether they are celebrities or just a regular person such as myself. It is up to each individual to decide if they are going to be influenced by a celebrity. I make up my own mind based on facts that I read, and what a celebrity says has no impact on me; but I do believe they have the right to say what they think just as I have that same right. We need to remember where we live and what our fundamental rights are.

I think it is frightening that this woman stands the chance of being president of the United States. I am absolutely disappointed in McCain and what I believe was nothing but a ploy to bring in women voters and the conservative Christian vote. Ironically I am both, but my vote is going with Obama...for me it is an easy choice.

I appreciate the courage it took for you to write your comments, Ashley.

allie said...

Did she really ban books? I am ashamed to say that I have not educated myself enough with the platform or history of either candidate to make a meaningful comment. In fact the only things I know about them I heard on the Today show {not exactly an "un-bias" source}

I guess I'll justjudge them by their clothing - looks like I'll be voting for Obama.