Friday, August 29, 2008


The Dunaway's have been out of the loop for almost a week due to camera issues. But so much has happened, so I thought I would fill you in. As soon as these technical issues are resolved every thing will be documented for you viewing pleasure.

1. Taylor is now crawling all over the place. I can hardly keep up with the little lady.

2. She sat up on her own on the 19th of August. Now when we put her down for naps or bed time she sits right up and pitches a royal fit.... Which lead to #4

3. Taylor's Six Month Birthday was on the 24th . We spent the morning at Babies R Us. Dusty let her pick out her own toy. He walked her up and down the rows of toys until she picked up her own treasure. It's a very scary looking purple doll.... and I mean very scary!

4. Taylor pulled herself up and stood in her crib on August 25th

5. Taylor's Six Month check up was on the 25th. Here are the stats. Length 26 inches 60 percentile. Weight 16.12 pounds 66 percentile. Head Cir 17 inches 71 percentile. She is very healthy and extremely active. Her fine motor skills are at a 10 month level!

6. She started saying DA DA DA DA DA on Tuesday Aug 26th

7. This morning she cut her first tooth.

Pictures to follow

These were taken on the 13th of August.

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