Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fingers Crossed

Keep your fingers crossed and think happy thoughts for Brad while he takes the GMAT tomorrow!! 77 days - 231 hours of studying(roughly) - 24 hours of class - he has been so unbelievably disciplined and focused, he has given up so many things he loves to prepare for this test - his unwavering dedication makes me SO proud.
You are going to do GREAT!

{by the way...I'm sorry for all the nights I tried to convince you to play with me instead of study}


Anonymous said...

Big Bad Brad,
Since I know you're focused, confident and of course always cool this test will be just another walk in the park.
We'll all be rooting for you.

Betsy said...

please please please pass your test so you can come over and play w/me and steve soon.

good luck! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Brad, you look so cool in this picture! I know you will do well. You have really worked hard and know your stuff so take a deep breath and go for it! Give it all you've got! We are cheering for you in Salt Lake City.

bcr said...

Hey little brother,
Just wishing you lots of luck tomorrow. Get sleep okay? You'll do great! Go Bradley!

The Powells said...

hope all went well today....your kinda smart i must say!

Sophia said...

Bradley I know you are going to do great tomorrow, and I know allie can't wait to have you back! Get lots of sleep tonight and you will do great!