Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Best!

Last weekend was the best! My entire family came to SF on Thursday to play with me and cheer me on at the Marathon. {I had the best weekend ever, I miss them SO much} Like Ashley said, we shopped, ate, and played for 5 days straight. The marathon was amazing - the sheer number of people was totally overwhelming! Here are some pics. Thanks to everyone who made so many generous donations to help me raise over $2,400 for Cancer Research.

After brunch in Tiburon

Taylor was SO cute - I couldn't get my hands off her

I even gave her a bath in the sink at the hotel {she is a total poser - she knows when the camera is watching}

I had a HUGE pasta dinner at the cheesecake factory {"carbing" up for the race!}

Fisherman's Warf

Here is my name along with the other 20,000 runners

My Jersey {in honor of all the family and friends of donors affected by cancer}

The starting line - look at all those people!

My biggest fans!

The BIG FINISH!!!!!!

Thanks again to all my family and friends for supporting me in ALL the things I do - including this one - I love you and miss you already!
{p.s. Brad took some really cool video at the finish line - once I figure out how to load it - I'll post it for you}


katie and heidi said...

you run a marathon and still look amazing the end! We're so proud of you and what a great accomplishment. We miss you!

The Powells said...

congrats....and what a fun weekend. i love that your family was all there for you, how great!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, has anyone noticed how Taylor can't keep her eyes off Bradley? Look how she is leaning forward so see can keep her eyes on him while he is taking the picture. What a poser.

Jessica Petersen said...

Congratulations Allie! You are amazing! And please, when can I hire you as my personal stylist??? You have become quite the fashionista.