Friday, June 27, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Today was Taylor's first swim lessons. I was a little nervous about getting her back in the pool after her last swim attempt, but SHE LOVED IT!! Perhaps it had to do with the fact that the pool was 94 degrees or that she had all of her little friends with her (from mommy group) but my guess is that she is a natural swimmer. I bet she will be a master at the butterfly like Aunt Allie.
She giggled the whole time and kicked her legs like a crazy lady! We worked on floating on our back, floating on our tummy, kicking off the side, splashing, and blowing bubbles. These lessons are all about getting used to the water and feeling comfortable on there backs, Lesson 5 is the head dunk.....I'll let you know how that goes. I wish I could have taken pictures but I promise we will get some soon. We can take her to the pool on Saturdays and practice for free. I can't wait for Dusty to play around with her. WATCH OUT 2028 Olympics, here comes Taylor!

I took this picture after the lesson. She was pooped!

1 comment:

The Powells said...

my kids are crazy about the pool and have been since they were little...i love it!!