Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sample Sale

This weekend was the quarterly Williams-Sonoma sample sale. This is my 4th official sale and I must say - I am getting very good at this. I cannot even describe the madness at these sales - each employee is assigned a lottery number 1-1300. Then 1300 people line up at 9:30am the doors open and ALL manners and human decency are lost! (kicking, screaming, pushing...everyone lets their crazy out)

I scored this dresser - in double wide antique white. I'm going to use it as a TV stand in our front room ($30 - can't beat that!)

and Brad got this awesome Farmhouse dresser for $90


The Powells said...

i can only imagine the maddness!!

katie and heidi said...

We have giveaways at our office of samples from various lines we design for. It is no where near that crazy. Great perks of the trade.