Saturday, May 3, 2008

So Proud!

Yesterday our sweet sister graduated from the University of Utah. We couldn't be happier her amazing accomplishment. In honor of Caitlin...10 things we love most about her.

  1. She knows all the words to every musical ever written - really!

  2. She always wants our opinion because she actually thinks we are cool

  3. She owns every Disney movie ever made (no need for blockbuster)

  4. In her past life she was Audry Hepburn.

  5. She is VERY generous

  6. She tickles your back without even having to ask

  7. She wants to be friends with everybody

  8. She loves to cook and feed people

  9. She keeps us posted on all the life altering reality TV shows.

  10. She loves us even though we tease her ask her about her "life plan"

1 comment:

The Powells said...

that was so cute!!! she is so cute too