Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Serenity Now

Every night Lucy waits by the door for Dusty to get home from work. She has the same routine. She will pass in front of the door for about an hour... and than when she gets sick of that she sits in front of the door with her favorite toy and whimpers until he comes home.
I should also mention that this whimper is more like a loud pathetic sigh, that she repeats over and over.

Cute I know, but here is the problem. Dusty came home from work at 6:00 pm three days in a row last week (instead of his usual 7:30)... Yep, you guessed it! Now Lucy starts her mellow drama a full hour and a half earlier. That's almost 3 hours of this crazy escapade every night.
It sounds endearing but it's rather annoying trust me!!!

This is her pacing in front of the door.. every so often she will stop to look out the window just to double check.

This is Lucy sitting...... and waiting..... and whining


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