Monday, February 18, 2008


Dusty and I had a doctor’s appointment today and I am officially one centimeter dilated. Basically that means that I could go into labor at any time. I am 38 weeks and 3 days along so she is considered full term. I wish I could have taken a picture of Dustys “holy shit face” or my expression of extreme terror but these pictures of my growing fat face will have to do. The first picture is of me at 33 weeks, the second is 38 weeks, and the third is of Lucy since she is such a diva.

1 comment:

Pat said...

To make you jealous, I was 9 cm dilated when I got to the hospital to have Cristin. I had no idea. The nurse actually semi screamed and then of course I screamed because I thought something was wrong. She was so shocked.

I guess I am just "sturdy peasant stock." I could just pop them out but ended up just having Cristin which was plenty for us!!

