Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dancing and other stuff...

15 Months

Last week we had out 15 Month Check Up. Here are Peanuts stats.
97% for Height
56% for Weight
91% for Head Circumference

* This picture is a great representation of her melon. Don't they say that most famous good looking movie stars and models have big heads in proportion to there bodies?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weekend Happenings!

Auntie Caitlin sent Taylor a DVD of the Disney movie The Aristocats. Taylor is obsessed! I have never seen her so captured by anything on tv. I will put it on in 30 minute sets and she will sit with undivided attention. She holds her little white cat, points to the TV and says kitty, kitty
On Saturday we took Taylor to the Wild Animal Park. We had a great time. The animals are so close. I can't believe we have lived here for 3 years and have never been. They give you nectar to feed the birds. This was Taylor's favorite part.

After the bird nipped at her finger.
Feeding the ducks
Of course Daddy took Peanut to pick out a little toy. This process takes forever since he lets her pick up and play with as many as she wants.She picked an Elephant. we named in Kobe after Kobe B from the Lakers. She loves him. This is her she is giving him a hug.On Sunday we went to a BBQ with some friends at Kate Sessions Park. Our friend Kyna took this picture. She is a great photographer! How cute is this little Peanut? At look at those teeth. Her molars are almost in too.
Memorial Day 2008
Memorial Day 2009

Playing with Lucy

We went to another BBQ on Monday. This is her cute festive little outfit.

First Skinned Knees :(

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Point Break LIVE!

Last weekend Brad and I went to see Point Break LIVE! First of all, if you haven't seen the movie Point Break you need to stop reading this and go rent it NOW! {It's quite possibly one of the best movies of all time - what is not to love about Keanu Reeves, Patrick Swayze and Gary Busey}

Anyway, Point Break LIVE is an interactive 'low budget' stage adaptation of the movie. The best part is that they pick a member of the audience from each show to play the lead role {originally played by Keanu Reeves} It was freakin' awesome!! We tried to get Brad to go up there are try out - maybe next time.

Here is the Que card girl - after they get Johnny Utah in costume she leads him around the stage giving him direction and Que cards.
They even have the parachute scene complete with harnesses and huge fans blowing their hair around {it was totally realistic}

The tickets are full of all sorts of disclaimers - releasing them of liability in the event that any of your clothing gets ruined by water, fake blood or 'other' liquids. Seriously - they sell ponchos at the door!! I would recommend spending the dollar to keep you dry during the surfing and bank robbery scenes.

Brittany, Heidi & I right before the show.

Heidi & Mike {they brought their own really fancy ponchos from home!}

Finally, Samar...he couldn't quite figure out how to put he poncho on - it was REALLY confusing.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have been working like a mad woman to get things together for the pickled bean. Keep up with my new blog and save it in your favorites for lovely little things. I will only be posting Taylor updates on this blog as it is geared toward family. You will have to check both sites for all of my updates going forward. Thanks again for everyones support!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Pickled Bean

At last!!! We launched The Pickled Bean this morning! I am so excited to share this with all of you. Within the first 3 hours we have had over 130 hits to my etsy site and blog. Take a look and let me know what you think. Yipeee!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Safe & Sound

the BEST!

really...the best of the best! {what more can I say}

happy mother's day yesterday & birthday today to the most amazing woman I will ever know!

A Dunaway Update

We are having a very busy week at the Dunaway's! Mothers day was amazing. brunch, a pedicure and manicure, a long family walk on the beach and to top it off Dusty had a masseuse come to the house for an hour and half massage! I am energized and ready to take on the world!
As some of you know. I am in the processes of opening up my own little business! The launch date for the website will be this Friday, May 15th. I am thrilled, I have never worked so hard and been so proud of any other "work" I have ever done. You will all be receiving an email on Friday with more information and I will update the blog with the information as well.
Dusty and I are also heading to San Fransisco for a little get away this weekend. (My parents are coming in town to watch the Peanut and Lucy Faye) because of this I won't be able to post anything new until Friday. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off today and it will only get worse :)
To keep up with your Taylor fix here are some pictures of her sleeping last night. I checked on her before I went to bed and this is how she was sleeping.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What the hell is wrong with me?

This weekend Brad is on a much anticipated summit on Mt. Rainier.

while working on a little painting project this afternoon I came across this show on HBO...

"A high-adrenaline tale of young climber Peter Garrett, who must launch a treacherous and extraordinary rescue effort up K2, the world's second highest peak. Confronting both his own limitations and the awesome power of nature's uncontrollable elements, Peter risks his life to save his sister, Annie, and her summit team in a race against time. The team is trapped in an icy grave at 26,000 feet - a death zone above the vertical limit of endurance where the human body cannot survive for long. Every second counts as Peter enlists the help of a crew of fellow climbers, including eccentric, reclusive mountain man Montgomery Wick, to ascend the chilling might of the world's most feared peak to save her."

Take a quick look at the summery and ask yourself why in gods name I would watch that movie this weekend {FYI, like 10 people die in this movie!}. Needless to say...I'm not gettin much sleep tonight.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

are you watching this?

if should {I LOVE IT!}

i almost cried when i watched everyone gather around and walk Ron to the finish line. They were running a marathon - mind you - 4 months ago these people were like 400 lbs.

but lets be honest - mostly I love him!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

#1 Reason we have teeth

Saturday, May 2, 2009


What the HELL!!!!

Congratulations Allie!!!!

Against all the odds!! What will you buy with your $190?

The Derby.... Here are the bets!

Every year our family holds a derby bet. Winner takes all 10 dollars per horse buy in. We put all of the horse names in a hat and draw for for each horse. This year Taylor did the draw. ( we picked by age) Here are your horses and odds
Winner Takes home $190
18 Nowhere to hide 44 to 1
5 Hold me Back 10 to 1
19 Desert Party 17 to 1
3 Mr. Hot stuff 17 to 1
6 Freisan Fire 4 to 1 ( She gets the favorite again) Dusty wants to know if you want to make a side bet
2 Musket man 17 to 1
1 West Side Bernie 31 to 1
17 Summer Bird 37 to 1
11 Chocolate Candy 8 to 1
12 General Quarters 8 to 1
16 Pioneer of the Nile 6 to 1
9 Join in the Dance 49 to 1
20 Flying Private 41 to 1
8 Mine that bird 48 to 1
15 Dunkirk 6 to 1
14 Atomic rain 59 to 1
7 Papa 12 to 1
10 Royal Ransom 22 to 1
4 Advice 41 to 1

Friday, May 1, 2009

Little Randoms

For Earth Day Taylor and I planted little trees and updated our recycling... yep, already posted about it but it should be something we work on every day right?!
Any Who we have added watering the trees to Taylor's daily chores. Which include: making her bed, picking up her room, feeding Lucy and making sure that toys are picked up before nap time. Baby steps people.... start young so she can be cleaning the toilets by the time she is two :)
Here is Taylor with her watering can

still working on getting the water on the plants but she loves it!

Playing with Lucia. I had just finished reading them a story and they were still holding onto there babies. They are both so sweet. Not sure what peanut is looking at.

We watched Jason last night and while I made them dinner I put on Blues Clues. Taylor loves this show and it is a special treat. I was trying to get them to look at me, I guess they like little Blue more than me! How funny is Taylor? She likes to sit on the arm of the chair. Silly lady