Monday, May 11, 2009

A Dunaway Update

We are having a very busy week at the Dunaway's! Mothers day was amazing. brunch, a pedicure and manicure, a long family walk on the beach and to top it off Dusty had a masseuse come to the house for an hour and half massage! I am energized and ready to take on the world!
As some of you know. I am in the processes of opening up my own little business! The launch date for the website will be this Friday, May 15th. I am thrilled, I have never worked so hard and been so proud of any other "work" I have ever done. You will all be receiving an email on Friday with more information and I will update the blog with the information as well.
Dusty and I are also heading to San Fransisco for a little get away this weekend. (My parents are coming in town to watch the Peanut and Lucy Faye) because of this I won't be able to post anything new until Friday. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off today and it will only get worse :)
To keep up with your Taylor fix here are some pictures of her sleeping last night. I checked on her before I went to bed and this is how she was sleeping.

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